Create your own Chaiathon

Sample Event

Join us on sample date

If your camp is not a Chaiathon camp
this summer your can:

Create your own chaiathon!

1 CHoose your chaiathon activity:
You can do anything for Chaiathon:
  • Bike
  • Swim
  • Jump
  • Walk
  • Run
  • Hula hoop
  • Shoot Baskets
  • Jump Jacks
  • or Hopscotch!
2 Create your own personalized Chaiathon web page and (with your parents' permission, of course) send it to friends, relatives and classmates via email or social media. Ask sponsors to donate per lap/jump/shot/etc. or for a contribution.
3 Then on your Chaiathon Day:
  1. Perform your Chaiathon activity in the presence of an adult. Count laps, consecutive jumps, shots, distance, etc.
  2. Contact your sponsors and let them know how much you accomplished.
  3. Ask your sponsors to pay their pledges online by credit card.
  4. Choose your prize here.
  5. Send us an email with your prize request when you are finished. We'll do the rest!

Or Create your own fundraiser!

Build a lemonade or snack stand, organize a carnival or magic show,
or even host a backyard party or hoops contest!
Use your imagination to coordinate an event or construct a stand.
Send us the idea... the results...and pictures - and you may be on our Chaiathon website!

Fundraiser Ideas

Camp Orah
Color Run 2015
Camp Otzros
Toronto, Canada
Lemonade Stand 2015
Lemonade Stand 2015